Friday, January 30, 2015

Vulnerable Living

Vulnerability is a necessary part of growing close to someone. It is also, consequently, a necessary ingredient in being deeply hurt. How it is something that requires trust, but isn't always something to be trusted.

...Life's synonym is vulnerability...

It is a common thread in all deeply felt and deeply desired aspects of life, but only when coupled with compatibility does it become like a living, growing organism. Breathe is taken in with the comfortability of knowing you are understood. Breath is released in knowing you find safety in the reciprocation.'s breath is compatibility...

And, quietly, the weak areas begin to be re-built and toughened. They take on a firm substance where once a sliver of paper-thin protection was. Health to a once weakened area is restored and growth becomes inevitable.

...with each inhale, we grow tough...

Then, a bold softening occurs in the corners of your life. Where the callouses and scars once were of past encounters when vulnerability was met with incompatibility, you begin to see a change. A smoothing. A softening. A renewing of what was once damaged is now brought back to refreshed glory.

...yet altogether remain tender...

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