Did you know that in WW2, the Allies didn’t win all the battles they fought?
Did you know that an estimated 60 million people died in that war? Not all of them were enemies…
Did you know that those soldiers who fought for freedom and for justice were most likely scared as they stepped off ships and planes onto enemy ground, not knowing if they were going to live another day?
Have you ever thought about the fact that many of those soldiers may have had a change of heart in the midst of these battles and, as they watched comrade after comrade die beside them, they probably at some point thought “this is too much, I can’t do this anymore”…yet they had to keep going because enemies were all around them and they didn’t have another option?
War is bloody and filled with unknown. It is harsh, cruel, crippling, and filled with fear. War is a gruesome thing that is hard for me, in my tiny sheltered existence, to fathom.
And I think about the fact that, despite the death, we won.
Despite the fear and the confusion, we won.
Despite losing the battles, we won the war.
Despite the fact that World War II was one of the bloodiest, most gruesome, traumatic events in history, we still won.
And then I realize…Christian…we are fighting a war.
We are soldiers. (2 Tim 2:3-4)
We have an enemy. (Eph 6:16)
We are daily on a battle ground. (2 Cor 10:3-5)
And we must fight. (1 Tim 6:12)
But remember…
Despite the death of our flesh and our dreams, He already won.
Despite the fear of not knowing what is ahead and the confusion of not understanding what happened before, He already won.
Despite losing some of the battles, He already won the war.
Despite that fact that the life we are living here on this earth may be filled with trauma and pain, tears and heartache, He has already won.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Jhn 16:33
“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. 1Th 5:23-24